Rosey and Casey and Eric.....

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Day 9

Some days are sleeping days, and now I know some days are eating days!! These guys have eaten EXTREMELY well today. At one of their meals, they all 3 managed to get in TWO tablespoons of milk! Remember just a few days ago when we were excited about them getting in just 1 tablespoon?! BIG DEAL today!!

The kittens continue to get more and more active, which is very exciting to watch! They really enjoy climbing, and Sandy is one of their favorite jungle gyms! She is very tolerant of the kittens climbing on her. Diego is still pretty much afraid of the kittens, shying away at the least bit of physical contact. It is funny that Diego is like this, as he is super protective of the kittens! He is the first one there if any of them make the slightest little bit of noise!

Oh no!! I almost forgot the MOST impostant thing of the day!! Today, Casey went over the 200 grams mark! She weighed in at 202 grams! That is up 56 grams!!

Pictures: Casey was being a bit camera shy today, but look at the great pictures of Erica and Rosey!

Kitten Weights:
Rosey - 272 grams or 9.6 ounces, up 112 grams in 9 days
Erica - 307 grams or 10.8 ounces, up 47 grams in 4 days
Casey - 202 grams or 7.15 ounces, up 56 grams 9 days

Sandy and her babies

From day 1 with the kittens, Sandy has taken an interest, and been very involved with their care. Today I got this great picture of her with Rosey and Casey, while Erica was being fed. Look at Sandy's great big smile! She is so happy when the kittens are out and she can be a mommy to them!

Now, Sandy "nursed" our older cat, Zelda, for almost 18 months. It will be entertaining to see how long Sandy mothers these 3 kittens!

Daily update and more pictures later this evening!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Day 8

Today the kittens had their first play date. They met bigger/older cats that were not upset or scared to see them! They met and loved on an 8 week old kitten, that I came THEES close to bringing home with me!! Yes, sleep deprivation DOES cause moments of temporary insanity!! Oh, but he was SO cute, and the kittens with him, well they are just cute anyway, so you can only imagine!!

All 3 kittens are increasing the amounts of food they are eating. Erica took almost 2 tablespoons this evening before bed, while both Rosey and Casey ate almost 1.5 tablespoons!! WOOOHOOO they are eating!!

We discovered today how pretty Casey is when Sandy hasn't gotten hold of her!! Sandy is so into this cleaning the kittens thing, that she makes Casey slightly resemble a drowned rat, well at least her rear looks like that!! Hey, Casey actually has hair on her tail!! Look closely at the picture of the 3 of them from yesterday!!

Pictures: Rosey is on the paper, while Erica is by the cage

Kitten Weights:
Rosey - 252 grams or 8.85 ounces
Casey - 198 grams or 7 ounces even!!
Erica - 292 grams or 10.25 ounces

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Day 7

Nothing much to write about today, as it was a sleepy day for the kitties!! All 3 are eating well, and gaining weight.

I have decided to share some fun facts about the kitties, since today is kind of boring! Let's see, the kittens wiggle their ears while they eat. This is super cute with all of them, but with Casey, her little grey ears wiggling is just too cute!!

Rosey has already decided she enjoys attention and petting. She is a master climber, and uses this ability to get the attention she demands!!

Erica has already decided she likes it with her sisters!!Brothers? She huddles close and takes comfort in all being together! She surprised me this evening, when she was the first kitten out of their cage!! The few times prior to today, Erica has been huddled in the back, and not really wanted to move after Rosey and Casey left her!!

Pictures top to bottom: Casey, Rosey, all 3, Erica

Kitten Weights:
Rosey - 231 grams or 8.15 ounces
Casey - 187 grams or 6.6 ounces
Erica - 272 grams or 9.65 ounces

Monday, August 28, 2006

Day 6 - Did you notice the title change?

Well, this afternoon, I found out that Lisa found another kitten, abandoned by the momma cat. Knowing how much Rosey and Casey thrive because of each other, I went to retrieve Erica. Yes, Erica. While I am fairly certain that all 3 kittens are actually boys, until I know for sure, Erica is Erica. If she is a he, she will be renamed Eric....

Erica has fallen right in with Rosey and Casey, including their love of sleep!! Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled they enjoy sleeping, but it is a bit scary to open the cage after the kittens have taken a 5 or 6 hour nap! I keep reading it is okay for them to sleep so long, just as long as they are eating well, so I am ot going to disrupt their sleep.

WOW!! Erica is HUGE, weighing in at 260 grams, a full 40 grams more than Rosey!! Oh, and for Chris, that means Erica weighs 9.15 ounces :-)

In the pictures above, the black kitty on the notebook is Rosey, and the black kitty by the crate is Erica. Don't worry about Sandy's paw, she merely broke a nail playing at the dog park today. She will be okay.

Kitten Weights:
Rosey - 220 grams or 7.55 ounces
Casey - 181 grams or 6.4 ounces
Erica - 260 grams or 9.15 ounces

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Day 5

Wow!! I have started a lot of these posts with that word, but today is truly a wow kind of day!! Today, Casey's left eye is finally starting to open up!! I was getting worried about it, since her right one opened 5 days ago. I had given the left eye until tomorrow to show signs of opening, then I was going to call the vet! Pretty soon I will be posting a picture of Casey with her beautiful eyes wide open!!

ALSO today, Rosey weighed in at 200 grams!! They are doing well, or at least in my opinion, in the weight department. Casey is up to 171 grams. There is a definite difference in the size of the 2 kittens, who knew 30 grams could so different!?!

If you look at the picture above, it is our kitty version of "Yin and Yang". It would have been easier to get this picture when the kittens first arrived, but I didn't really think about it until tonight. Wikipedia says this about Yin and Yang: "Yin and yang are interdependent. One cannot exist without the other. For example, day cannot exist without night. Light cannot exist without darkness." I think these kittens' well being is totally dependent upon each other, so it couldn't be more appropriate!!

Kitten Weights:
Rosey - 200 grams
Casey - 171 grams

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Day 4

WOW!! I knew these kittens with teeny tiny, but I never REALLY knew it until I picked up Zelda Kitty!! Zelda is 2, and weighs in at only 7 pounds herself, but she is HUGE in comparison!!

No big changes or milestones today, Rosey and Casey are both eating relatively well, and they are both active. Hmm, we have discovered Rosey has a Houdini-like ability to escape, and Casey has temper tantrums!

Rosey is having some trouble getting comfortable when she eats, so I decided to swaddle her. It works well until she gets a paw loose! She waves it wildly about, trying to figure out what to do with it. She doesn't like it resting on my leg or my tummy or my chest, and she doesn't really want to hold the bottle or my finger, so it waves around. Those little kitty claws are sharp when they wave wildly across your hand!! Heeheehee!!

Casey and her temper tantrums are a force to be reckoned with! She rears back her little head, opens her mouth wide, and SQUAWKS . It is very cute and sweet when she first starts, then she gets all warmed up....She gets loud and angry about it, reminds me of a baby bird the way she opens her mouth so wide!! As soon as you finish whatever she is squawking about, her tantrum stops! Lee says it is as if she has an on/off switch!!

Kitten Weights:
Rosey - 187 grams
Casey - 167 grams

Friday, August 25, 2006

Day 3

Well, even with kittens things are unsure from day to day! Today was Casey's day to eat and eat and eat, while Rosey just snacked. Okay, so eat and eat is a relative term, but given that we got 1 whole tablespoon of food in Casey in one feeding, it is a big deal!

We also noticed that Casey may need a trip to the vet prior to her 6 week check-up! Poor kitty, her bottom seems to be puckered out a bit, and really bright pink. I talked to the vet, and since Casey is still going potty okay, there is no need to worry right now. We just have to watch her and make sure things are still moving along well. Hopefully she will be okay, as she is still to tiny for anything to really be done for her!

Now, if you look closely at Rosey's picture from today, you will see open eyes!! Yep, her eyes are open! Casey is still sporting the Popeye look, with only her right eye open. The 2 kittens are getting more and more active all the time. If left unattended for even a moment, they fly across the bed and have almost fallen off!! Not exactly a shining moment, but they are getting more and more mobile!! That means they are getting stronger and stronger.

Kitten Weights:
Rosey - 171 grams
Casey - 163 grams

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Day 2

Well, this morning when we woke up, I was a bit concerned. Rosey and Casey are both sleepers, and they slept through the night. When they woke up though, they were both down quite a bit in their weights. Already having some concern with their eating abilities, I called the vet. I was assured we were doing all we could for the kittens, and to just watch them and keep trying.

Well, I guess what they say about patience paying off is correct, by this evening both kittens were nuring from the bottle fairly well, with no supplement from the syringes to ensure they got food!

Our milestone triumph tonight was that both kittens were able to take 1 tablespoon of their formula in one sitting! Now, it is still low, they should be drinking 2 tablespoons every 4 hours, or at least according to everything we have read and been told!

Oh, and I forgot to tell you that Casey(white one) has her right eye open! Rosey's eyes and Casey's left eye are all trying to open! Within the next few days, there daily pictures should show their eyes!!

Kitten Weights:
Rosey - 165 grams
Casey - 150 grams
In case you are not keeping score, both kitties ended up gaining weight!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Day 1

Today we met Lisa. Lisa discovered she had abandoned kittens in the attic, and needed help to get them out. Knowing that Lee loves cats, I volunteered him to the rescue! Well, I do always tease him about his long "monkey arms", and add to that the fact that he is skinny, and well he is perfect for the job!

Lee was laying on a rafter, and had to cut out piece of a board to get to the kitties. Lisa then got a broom handle, and we attached a large fish tank net to the end of it with tape. Lee was then able to reach the kittens, and after about 20 minutes or so, we had 2 precious kittens safe and sound. We all assumed they were newborn since they were just discovered, but now we think they are very close to 2 weeks old. We have no idea if the kitties are boys or girls, but Lisa's little girls named them Rosey and Casey! Great names if you ask me!!

Rosey is a black kitten, with 4 white paws and various patches of white. Rosey is very mobile, and seems to want to explore! Oh, she loves playing on my shoulder, where she can play in my hair!

Casey is mostly white, with a touch of grey on her tail and ears. Casey is very vocal, and when she gets Rosey going too, well they can be heard from quite a ways off!!

They are both reluctant to eat. We stopped and got kitten formula, and the vet gave us syringes. After a feeding with syringes, I opted to go buy kitty bottles!! They still don't seem too interested, so we will see how it goes tonight. If they are still not much into eating tomorrow, we will pack it to the vet!

Oh, excitement!! Casey just pooped!! Yes, that IS a big deal, as kittens need stinmulation to do that, and I was worried I was not doing it right!!

Rosey - 160 grams or 5.65 ounces
Casey - 146 grams or 5.15 ounces