My baby boys are almost TWO years old!!

I was sitting here on the computer and looking at my giant boys. The realization that are almost 2 years old hits hard, even though we have been planning this for awhile now. I look at them and just wonder how on earth they were ever so tiny that I think any one of their heads now outweighs all 3 kittens combined on day 1! Oh well, tomorrow we will be updating with pictures and new kitty weights.
As for Meisha, she will be 2 years old soon as well! I am surprised everyday how much she still looks like the little kitten. She is blessed with a cute sweet face that I think will always make her look like a kitten. I am including pictures of Meisha in this post for you to enjoy the cuteness factor. I have a cute kitten now, Ashland, but I still believe that Meisha is absolutely the cutest kitty EVER!!
Okay, see you tomorrow with new news on Rosey, Casey, and Eric!!
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