Day 7

Nothing much to write about today, as it was a sleepy day for the kitties!! All 3 are eating well, and gaining weight.
I have decided to share some fun facts about the kitties, since today is kind of boring! Let's see, the kittens wiggle their ears while they eat. This is super cute with all of them, but with Casey, her little grey ears wiggling is just too cute!!
Rosey has already decided she enjoys attention and petting. She is a master climber, and uses this ability to get the attention she demands!!
Erica has already decided she likes it with her sisters!!Brothers? She huddles close and takes comfort in all being together! She surprised me this evening, when she was the first kitten out of their cage!! The few times prior to today, Erica has been huddled in the back, and not really wanted to move after Rosey and Casey left her!!
Pictures top to bottom: Casey, Rosey, all 3, Erica
Kitten Weights:
Rosey - 231 grams or 8.15 ounces
Casey - 187 grams or 6.6 ounces
Erica - 272 grams or 9.65 ounces
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