Day 8

Today the kittens had their first play date. They met bigger/older cats that were not upset or scared to see them! They met and loved on an 8 week old kitten, that I came THEES close to bringing home with me!! Yes, sleep deprivation DOES cause moments of temporary insanity!! Oh, but he was SO cute, and the kittens with him, well they are just cute anyway, so you can only imagine!!
All 3 kittens are increasing the amounts of food they are eating. Erica took almost 2 tablespoons this evening before bed, while both Rosey and Casey ate almost 1.5 tablespoons!! WOOOHOOO they are eating!!
We discovered today how pretty Casey is when Sandy hasn't gotten hold of her!! Sandy is so into this cleaning the kittens thing, that she makes Casey slightly resemble a drowned rat, well at least her rear looks like that!! Hey, Casey actually has hair on her tail!! Look closely at the picture of the 3 of them from yesterday!!
Pictures: Rosey is on the paper, while Erica is by the cage
Kitten Weights:
Rosey - 252 grams or 8.85 ounces
Casey - 198 grams or 7 ounces even!!
Erica - 292 grams or 10.25 ounces
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