Day 4

WOW!! I knew these kittens with teeny tiny, but I never REALLY knew it until I picked up Zelda Kitty!! Zelda is 2, and weighs in at only 7 pounds herself, but she is HUGE in comparison!!
No big changes or milestones today, Rosey and Casey are both eating relatively well, and they are both active. Hmm, we have discovered Rosey has a Houdini-like ability to escape, and Casey has temper tantrums!
Rosey is having some trouble getting comfortable when she eats, so I decided to swaddle her. It works well until she gets a paw loose! She waves it wildly about, trying to figure out what to do with it. She doesn't like it resting on my leg or my tummy or my chest, and she doesn't really want to hold the bottle or my finger, so it waves around. Those little kitty claws are sharp when they wave wildly across your hand!! Heeheehee!!
Casey and her temper tantrums are a force to be reckoned with! She rears back her little head, opens her mouth wide, and SQUAWKS . It is very cute and sweet when she first starts, then she gets all warmed up....She gets loud and angry about it, reminds me of a baby bird the way she opens her mouth so wide!! As soon as you finish whatever she is squawking about, her tantrum stops! Lee says it is as if she has an on/off switch!!
Kitten Weights:
Rosey - 187 grams
Casey - 167 grams
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