Day 59

Last night we discovered Meisha has a tapeworm. I won't go into detail about how we discovered that, but if you have had a dog or cat you probably understand :-) This morning I took Meisha to the vet and Meisha was once again given medicine. Have you ever given a pill to a cat!? All I can say is I counted blessings that Meisha only weighs a pounds and is still okay with pretty much everything! It was tiny little pill, and Meisha actually only had 1/4 of it, and she took it like a champ!
Aside from having the tapeworm, Meisha was given a clean bill of health. After confriming that tapeworm was not easily spread, you need fleas, Meisha returned home and joined the boys in the kitten cage. Fleas spread tapeworm, so that in an of itself is a reason you NEVER want to see fleas on your pets!!
I don't know if you have noticed the kittens' little blue mouse batting toy, it has a big springy red ball on a spring that the kittens bat at. Well it HAD a big red ball on it, but the boys have destroyed the mouse's tail. The big red ball is now a mere tuft of red fuzz. We are debating replacing the mouse, or waiting until all the fuzz is gone.....
Meisha has learned all about the litter box! I have to give credit to Casey for that! Meisha has been so fixated on Casey and watched his every move, and she has learned all. She has even learned Casey's loud screams :-)
Pictures: If you look closely, you will see little red dots on the kitty condo. Those are little pieces of the mouse's tail. In the picture of all of the kittens on the cat condo, Rosey is up top with Casey and Meisha, while Eric took teh peaceful middle shelf to himself.
Kitten Weights:
Rosey - 3 pounds plus
Casey - 3 pounds plus
Eric - 3.5 pounds plus
Miesha - 584 grams or 20.50 ounces
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