Day 2

Well, this morning when we woke up, I was a bit concerned. Rosey and Casey are both sleepers, and they slept through the night. When they woke up though, they were both down quite a bit in their weights. Already having some concern with their eating abilities, I called the vet. I was assured we were doing all we could for the kittens, and to just watch them and keep trying.
Well, I guess what they say about patience paying off is correct, by this evening both kittens were nuring from the bottle fairly well, with no supplement from the syringes to ensure they got food!
Our milestone triumph tonight was that both kittens were able to take 1 tablespoon of their formula in one sitting! Now, it is still low, they should be drinking 2 tablespoons every 4 hours, or at least according to everything we have read and been told!
Oh, and I forgot to tell you that Casey(white one) has her right eye open! Rosey's eyes and Casey's left eye are all trying to open! Within the next few days, there daily pictures should show their eyes!!
Kitten Weights:
Rosey - 165 grams
Casey - 150 grams
In case you are not keeping score, both kitties ended up gaining weight!
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