Day 5

Wow!! I have started a lot of these posts with that word, but today is truly a wow kind of day!! Today, Casey's left eye is finally starting to open up!! I was getting worried about it, since her right one opened 5 days ago. I had given the left eye until tomorrow to show signs of opening, then I was going to call the vet! Pretty soon I will be posting a picture of Casey with her beautiful eyes wide open!!
ALSO today, Rosey weighed in at 200 grams!! They are doing well, or at least in my opinion, in the weight department. Casey is up to 171 grams. There is a definite difference in the size of the 2 kittens, who knew 30 grams could so different!?!
If you look at the picture above, it is our kitty version of "Yin and Yang". It would have been easier to get this picture when the kittens first arrived, but I didn't really think about it until tonight. Wikipedia says this about Yin and Yang: "Yin and yang are interdependent. One cannot exist without the other. For example, day cannot exist without night. Light cannot exist without darkness." I think these kittens' well being is totally dependent upon each other, so it couldn't be more appropriate!!
Kitten Weights:
Rosey - 200 grams
Casey - 171 grams
At 2:31 PM,
x said…
Que bonitos!! Hace una semana me encontré tres gatitos también!! Los habían tirado a un barranco...y los recogimos. Como pueden tirar a esa hermosura de animales? Espero que todo te vaya muy bien!
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