Day 20

Today we learned the kittens know, and can express anger!! I was holding all 3, and Erica was playing at her bottle. Rosey was trying to play with Erica, and Erica was not impressed. When Rosey insisted and got her face too close to the nipple, Erica let out one of those angry cat howls, you know the one, the louder longer RHAH, and swatted at Rosey! It was entertaining to say the least!
The kittens have put away the milk today! So much so that I mixed 1/2 goats milk with 1/2 goats milk yogurt, hoping that maybe it would help them feel full longer. HA!! Today is just an eating day, and their weights, as you will see below, more than demonstrate that!!
Frankie Kitty has started coming around the kittens today, though not so much, and not at all too close. Zelda has been sparse today as far as the kittens are concerned.
Oh, all 3 kittens are now "well" established on their feet. They now carry their bellies well of the floor when they wobble around!
Eric broke the 1 pound mark today!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!
Pictures: All 3 kittens are getting very good at the climbing game!! Just look at Casey!! Tonight, Erica made it all the way to the top and then back down!! That is Rosey in their box, it was apparently a great place to play tonight!! Do you think Erica and Casey are up to something in that picture?? Oh, and that is Frankie sitting high on the cat tree. She spent the evening watching over the kittens from way up high!
Kitten Weights:
Rosey - 419 grams, or 14.75unces
Caey - 334 grams or 11.75 ounces
Erica 467 grams or 16.40 ounces
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