Day 14

Not much happening on the kitten front that is new. They are eating like small piggies, with Rosey eating like each meal will be her last! The kittens are all perfecting their run, which makes it very entertaining to have them out on the floor!
Oh, Zelda is definitely working on deciding if the kittens are cool enough for her. She is over being frightened, so we are making progress there.
Oh, major milestone today! Rosey has more than doubled her weight since we got her! Erica and Casey are still working on that.
Pictures: See that cardboard bowl behind Rosey? We were using that for a few days to weigh them, but the kittens are way to wiggly now for that!
Rosey - 339 grams or 11.9 ounces, up 179 grams in 14 days
Casey - 256 grams or 9.0 ounces, up 110 grams in 14 days
Erica - 385 grams or 13.5 ounces, up 125 grams in 10 days
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