Day 15

Has it really been 2 weeks?! What did we do before kittens? A large portion of our day consists of kitten feedings. They are not eating as frequently now as they were in the beginning, but timing is everything! Can we do X? I don't know, when did the kittens last eat?! I didn't have to think this hard with any of the kids when they were babies!!
With Casey's weight being so much lower than that of both Erica and Rosey, we decided to add goat milk yogurt to their meals. It isn't much, only 1 or 2 teaspoons per 3 ounces, but I hope we will see Casey's weight start to creep closer to that of her littermates!
I told you the kittens are getting fast, but Erica is almost ready to run a race! That little bitty kitten is FAST!! She doesn't have the leaping ability, YET, so it isn't so hard to keep track of the kittens, but it won't be long before they are crazy busy around here!! I am looking around for something to allow the kittens to be out and about more during the day. A playpen or something, where they can still see and explore some, yet be confined and kept safe without me watching every minute!!
Pictures: Yes, there is only 1 picture from today. The card for the camera is FULL!! I am now in the process of deleting the pictures to make room for more. Since the kittens were ready for bed, we opted to let them sleep instead of fussing about more pictures! If you think there is a lack of pictures here, well we have about a thousand more I will send you to make up for it :-) Oh, I did opt not to use the first picture from tonight, it made it look like Sandy was going to eat one of the kittens!! Not so good for the blog here.
Kitten Weights:
Rosey: 342 grams, or 12.10 ounces
Casey: 266 grams, or 9.35 ounces
Erica: 372 grams, 13.10 ounces....Her weight loss doesn't bother me too much. It is just 1 day, and she was awfully wiggly on the scale yesterday! I am thinking the weight yesterday may have been a bit off.
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