Day 12

Today has been another sleepy day, but when the kittens were awake, the ate well and played hard! They are getting really fast, or at least compared to last week! Poor Diego, he wants to be right there, watching over everything, and protect the kittens from any danger. However, as much he loves his kittens, he does NOT want them to actually touch him! They go zooming toward Diego, and he freaks out and backs away!
Sandy is still being an excellent doggie mom to the kittens, doing everything for them but providing the food! She helps keep the kittens clean, and she provides a warm, safe, furry place to snuggle! She happily puts up with the kittens using her as a jungle gym!
Zelda, one of our older cats, is getting braver everyday! She is not at all sure what the kittens are, and has yet to get closer than a few feet. Tonight Zelda actually met Erica, well okay, she came within about 2 feet, but still it is closer than before!! Zelda appeared intrigued with the kitten, but not so much as to investigate further!
Pictures: In the top picture, you can see Sandy playing mommy to the kittens. If you look at the bottom picture, you see Diego eyeing Rosey as she wanders. Notice he is watching closely, both for her safety, as well as so he can be sure she doesn't get too close!!
Kitten Weights:
Rosey - 304 grams or 10.7 ounces
Casey - 242 grams or 8.55 ounces
Erica - 339 grams or 11.85 ounces
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