Rosey and Casey and Eric.....

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Day 11

Today, the kittens are proving they know how to use those teeth!! No, they are not eating with them, but they are learning how to chew on things. We bought them some little fish shaped teethers, hoping they would chew on them. Do they?! Nope, they prefer my nose and my lip, or a finger! Did I mention those teeth are very sharp?

Today Rosey broke the 300 grams mark, and is VERY close to having doubled her starting weight! That is extremely exciting! Casey and Erica are also gaining well.

Kitten Weights:
Rosey - 310 grams or 10.90 ounces
Casey - 233 grams or 8.20 ounces
Erica - 347 grams or 12.25 ounces


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