Day 18

Well, Zelda is really starting to be curious of the kittens. She is right there when they are out. The flip side of that is that she still hasn't decided if the kittens are a good thing. She did the big cat slap thing to Erica again this evening, Erica noticed this time, but she was not hurt.
The kittens have started to really play, and they show some signs that they know they are cats! I think it was Erica who was licking her paws today. Then they all LOVE to attack the long flowing hair on Sandy's tail, and Erica seems to enjoy the reaction when she attacks Sandy's paws. We bought the kittens some fish shaped "teethers" last week, alas they really don't want to teethe on them. Nope, the kittens prefer to teethe on human fingers!! We are gonna have to start wearing ski gloves to handle them!! Heeheehee!!
Not much else to report.
Pictures: Do you see Casey's eyes in her picture? THAT is what they really look like, when the camera doesn't make them glow red!! Rosey and Erica are always looking for ways to get around the "road blocks we set up to keep them in a confined area!! Do you see one of them testing their claws on the laundry bag? I think she is getting ready to try to CLIMB the bag one of these days!!
Kitten Weights:
Rosey - 383 grams, or 13.55 ounces
Casey - 302 grams, 10.75 ounces
Erica - 422 grams, or 14.90 ounces
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