Day 19

Who knew that such little kittens could burp so big!! Those of you reading this who have children have all had your baby come out with a man-sized burp, and just laughed in amazement. Well, the kittens have lion sized burps, and the only thing to say about them is, "Oh my!!"
I thought Erica would climb the laundry bag first, but it was Rosey. Being the over-protective mommy, I kept telling Lee to make sure Rosey didn't fall off. Rosey made it back down the laudry bag all on her own, she didn't win any awards for grace in doing so, but she did it safely!
Today the kittens ate A LOT!! Erica even needed a refill on her bottle during one feeding!! That was a first! Casey managed to eat 3 tablespoons of milk this evening, in one feeding, also a first for her. I was surprised to see that all 3 kittens ate so well this evening, being as they had already had 1 big feeding for the day!!
All 3 kittens had a bath of sorts this evening! I opened their cage, and found them all really grossly dirty with their own waste. We had put them in there without their towel or anything, as it was all in the wash! They all 3 purred and relaxed completely during the "bath", which was really just being rinsed off well with warm water in the bathroom sink. I laughed at their first kitten "shower"!
Pictures: Well, with 2 we had Yin Yang, with 3 we have an Oreo!! Rosey is the black kitten looking up, wjile Erica is the black kitten that is more curled up.
Kitten Weights:
Rosey - 384 grams, or 13.55 ounces
Casey - 310 grams, or 10.95 ounces
Erica - 447 grams, or 15.70 ounces
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