Day 13

No, day 13 was not an unlucky day for our kittens, but it was an adventure filled. We started out with a trip for the dogs to the dog park. Lee took the dogs to play, while I fed the kittens in the car. I want to expose the kittens to a lot of different noises and situations.
When we got home, we allowed the kittens to explore a bit on the floor. We have not allowed them down off the bed very much, and never all 3 of them at once. They seemed to like the new place to explore, and they tired themselves out completely! We put them in their kennel, and they went to sleep almost immediately, and with no fuss what-so-ever!
I think the kittens are growing up. I say this because while Sandy is still fully devoted to them, she has started to pull back some while they are out. There was a time that the kittens couldn't breathe without Sandy right there. Now she just takes care of them and then moves away to just watch.
I am beginning to wonder if the kittens have favorite tastes. We have switched to only goats milk, which they seem to really enjoy. Today we have been using fresh goats milk, and their eating has slacked off somewhat. I will know tomorrow if it is the fresh versus store bought milk. The kittens often have days of heavy eating followed by days of more snack like meals. They did all gain today, so no need to really worry!
As of today, Casey has gained exactly 100 grams.
Pictures: Do you see Zelda in that picture checking out Erica!? That is Rosey in the bottom picture.
Kitten Weights:
Rosey - 328 grams or 11.55 ounces
Casey - 246 grams or 8.65 ounces
Erica - 356 grams or 12.45 ounces
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