Day 35

I was so hoping to tell you we had litter box training well underway, but alas it was a fluke. This morning Casey got into the litter box, turned 3 times, and then he pooed!! I was so excited!! Nope, no encore performances though!! Oh well, it was a step in the right direction, right?!
Poor kitties!! They are so spoiled!! They simply refuse to eat the hard food to get to the softer food. I covered the soft food with dry food this afternoon, and they just didn't eat. Not to worry though, they all managed to gain weight, so it couldn't have been as bad as I think.
The kittens have made it very clear that they like their cat condo. Today it was sitting outside the playpen. Eric kept climbing out to get to the condo. Once Lee figured it out and placed the condo in the playpen, Eric stayed happily in there.
Kitten Weights:
Rosey - 726 grams or 25.7 ounces
Casey - 636 grams or 22.3 ounces
Eric - 820 grams or 28.9 ounces
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