Day 29

Aside from a couple of new toys, not much going on in the kitten world. They eat, they drink, they pee, they poop, and they sleep! Today they slept a lot!
I did a Google search on a behavior that Rosey has, that I had been putting off. You see, he likes to pretend Casey is his bottle. You can imagine what I was afraid of might come up on that search, but it is normal for bottle fed kittens!! WHEW!! Now we just have to keep doing what we have been doing, moving Rosey away, and it will stop....eventually!! WHY, OH WHY are there no such thing as kitten pacifier!?
The kittens have new toys that make jingle noises. It is hard to know if they like the noise or the toy more! They chew on any of them they can get into their mouths. They love trying to escape from the playpen. It is funny to see Zelda in the playpen, at only 7 or 8 pounds, she is gigantic compared to the kittens. Zelda can reach the top rail with her back feet still on the ground. It is hard to believe that our teeny tiny will be that big in just a few months!!
Oh, I keep forgetting to tell you how Casey rears up on his back legs to "attack" his brothers. He is the only kitten I have seen do it, and it is pretty funny! This itty bitty ball of white fur with 4 short little legs, trying to look big and ferocious!!
OH!!! Today Casey more than TRIPLED his weight!! YAY CASEY!!!! I missed it yesterday, but Eric DOUBLED his weight!! YAY ERIC!!!!!
Pictures: Like I said, they slept A LOT today! In the top picture, Rosey and Casey are piled on top of Eric while they all slept. The next 3 pictures were taken just because Rosey was sleeping in such a funny position. Oh, and speaking of funny positions, do you see his front paws in the bottom picture?! Yes, hiw paws are up over his haed while he is sleeping!
Kitten Weights;
Rosey - 570 grams or 20.00 ounces
Casey - 440 grams or 15.60 ounces
Eric - 576 grams or 20.30 ounces
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