Day 32

Well, the past month has been full of busy, busy days. The kittens have thrived nicely, despite a few bumps in the road. They are showing real interest in the litter pan, just ot in actually using it yet. Oh well, we are moving in the right direction there, and they show no desire to eat the litter at this point, so... We'll see.
Kittens fall asleep anywhere at anytime!! Do you see that Picture of Casey? He is sleeping! Yep! The is a little cat condo that has 2 cubby holes, and then a platform top. Eric has shown great skill and agility in his ability to scale and decend the cat condo with speed. Casey on the other hand shows great ability in climbing up, but he is not so sure how to get back down. Rosey just doesn't mess with the up and down of the condo so much. Anyway, Casey got all the way up to the top, Eric was in the middle cubby, and Rosey was in the first floor cubby. The three were batting at each other, when suddenly Eric and Casey just stopped moving. Eric was hanging out of the cubby, and well you see how Casey was sleeping! Rosey eventually gave up and fell asleep in the other cubby hole. Unfortunately, I was not able to get a good picture of Eric in his sleeping position.
All 3 kittens have discovered the art of drinking out of a bowl. No more bottles!! YAY!!! That water dish is a style we have been eyeing for years, but never wanted to spend the money on. A few days ago I found this one on, new in the box, for only $5.00! We figured we would use it for the kittens, thinking it was the smaller size, but it was the larger size. It is big enough for all :-) Don't the kittens look big, and oh yeah CUTE, drinking!?
Kitten Weights:
Rosey - 630 grams or 22.2 ounces
Casey - 538 grams or 19 ounces
Eric - 682 grams or 24.10 ounces
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