Day 34

Today the kittens were full of piss and vinegar, playing rough with each other and climbing out of the playpen! Nothing like hearing 5 week old kittens "fight" it out, then suddenly they are asleep in a pile on the floor! Why would anyone want just one kitten at a time?! To really enjoy it, you need at least 2!!
Eric has known how to climb out of the playpen for a few days now, but today he seemed to make it his mission! I am SO not ready for these guys to be all over yet!!
Yay, Rosey!! Rosey has completely mastered climbing up and down the cat condo! The three of them now fall asleep up there. It is crowded, so that might get interesting in a few days!! I got a video of them playing, but I do not know how to put video up here.
Hmm, all the pictures from today are of sleeping kitties!! I don't know how that happened!! Do you see Rosey sleeping with his chin across Eric's back? It makes me think of the "Lean On Me" song :-)
YAY!! YAY!! YAY!!! All 3 kittens are now weighing in at over 20 ounces!!
Kitten Weights:
Rosey - 680 grams or 24 ounces
Casey - 598 grams or 21.1 ounces
Eric - 756 grams or 26.7 ounces
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