Day 26

What a day. Terri will be filling in details soon, hopefully. She was so stressed after Eric's throwing up Saturday, she hardly slept, and I stayed home from work Sunday morning to help keep a handle on things. Eric ate like a pig first thing, finishing a 3½ tablespoon bottle, and a little later another 2½ tablespoons. And Casey and Rosey ate really well from their plate of semi-solid food! So, I headed for work half-way through the day, only to hear a little later that Eric was throwing up again! I got home and held onto Eric for a little while, wrapped in a towel, and called a vet for advice. Eric was very lethargic, but hadn't thrown up for awhile by this time, and the doctor suggested just feeding a little at a time once an hour or so to see if his tummy would settle down. That seemed to work, and Eric didn't throw up again by the time we went to bed around 12:30.
Terri says: I really thought we had lost Eric. He was laying in my lap with his eyes glazed over and 1/2 shut, and his tongue was hanging out. I moved him and poked around several times before he moved or made any noise. It was then that I called Lee and told him things were not good.
By about 9:00 or so last night, our boy was bouncing back.
Casey has discovered food, and boy does he enjoy it!! Casey eats better than Rosey, and just about as good as Eric. Casey has also learned how to "fight back" when they play, and he will even instigate it. Not bad since not too long ago he would get sat on and picked on by his bigger brothers!
Rosey, well Rosey is just funny about this eating thing. It is almost as if each meal he needs to be reminded what to do. He wants nothing to do with the food until well after Casey has been eating. I say only Casey there, since Eric's food intake has been limited. Anyway, he then will go and sniff the food, then gingerly take a bite. It gradually works up to him eating, but he needs to learn faster :-) Casey and Eric are going to get to the point of eating a lot more if it is available, and Rosey might miss out!
Kitten Weights:
Rosey - 470 grams or 16.50 ounces
Casey - 380 grams or 13.35 ounces
Eric - 477 grams or 16.80 ounces
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