Day 23

Where to begin? I guess I should start by saying we found out today that all of our little girls are really little BOYS!! WHile this has been expected all along, we were unsure, and in truth hoping at least one of them was a girl. Rosey and Casey are both names of sporting characters, so their names will remain the same. Erica will now be called Eric. It will be hard to actually refer to them as he and him, but I will try hard :-)
As I told you earlier, we have started to introduce food. That is quite an ordeal, and nothing has changed since earlier. Rosey and Casey are just not quite there. Erica was offered 1/2 ounce for dinner, and she ate .40 ounces of it, so that is progress!!
Another first today was toys for the kittens. Sure they have played with things they have found, and each other, but today we started with actual toys The kittens have a small lunch sized paper bag, one of those springy things to bat at, and various yarn toys. Tomorrow we will introduce a ball for them to chase!
We talked to a vet today, and scheduled their first vet visit for Saturday. It should be quite entertaining to say the least!!
Kitten weights:
Rosey - 424 grams or 14.95 ounces
Casey - 348 grams or 12.30 ounces
Eric - 470 grams or 16.65 ounces
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