Oh wow, it is really hard to believe that it has been an entire year since Lee climbed up in an attic and pulled Rosey and Casey into our lives! 5 days later Eric hit the scene. The past year has been full of fun times, gallons of drool, and about a ton of kitty litter! Would we do it again?! You betcha we would!!
Rosey has become all cat. The once cuddly kitty is now very much a loner unless HE choses to love on you! Days go by with little more than a glimpse of Rosey. Rosey has much better things to do! Cat things, like sunning in the window or taking long naps on top of one of the cat trees! Don't think this means he isn't as loving as ever! When Rosey decides it is time for you to love on him, he cuddles up and purrs loudly and nonstop....this causes the drool to begin. Rosey is a pretty messy purrer we have discovered!
Casey is not quite all lover, not quite all cat. He has his moments of being both, leaning more toward being the lover. I went to clip his nails one day in a chair in the living room, and since then he won't come NEAR me in that room. If he does wonder over, he dashes off quickly after a quick petting on his head. It is as if he suddenly remembered the nail clipping incident! When we go to bed, Casey is there before our heads hit the pillows. He is very demanding for love then, and won't take no for an answer. He too drools when he purrs, even more so than Rosey. Casey LOVES to have his tummy rubbed, and will flop over to expose his tummy at the slightest touch. I give a slight tug on his tail and it apparently has a switch that causes Casey to flop and purr and drool. Casey loves to help me read books, only he has a habit of making them very wet with his drool!! It is very funny actually, but pretty messy.
That brings us to Eric! Eric is ALL lover kitty! Eric is also all drooly kitty and the kitty who purrs constantly! Eric is almost always in a lap, and therefore ALWAYS drooling. There have been times when he has drooled so much we need to get a paper towel to wipe up his mess! Eric can't get enough love and attention and is always vying for more. He loves to be near us, and because he gets along with almost everyone else in the house, he can be around most of the time. We recently took in Riley, a Japanese Chin who is almost 3 months old. Riley is a foster dog, and Riley and Eric seem to be best of friends! The 2 have been found snuggled together while sleeping, they play and wrestle, and Eric is so sweet and gentle with Riley it is sweet. It was a surprise that Eric turned out to be the lover, since he seemed fairly aloof when the boys were small! Today Eric is anything but aloof, he couldn't be aloof if he tried! I think he turned into the lover when he was sick from eating the cat litter. Who knows or cares, we love him and he very much loves us!!
Meisha loves all the boys, but she and Eric are very close. All 3 boys still adore Sandy and Diego, even though Diego is still not too sure about them! We have become a very active foster home for a local rescue, and Eric wants to meet them all and play with everyone. Casey likes some of the fosters, but stays clear of most. Rosey, well Rosey couldn't care less, as long as he has a cat tree to nap in and a window to sun in, Rosey is one happy camper.
I think Eric is the only kitten well suited to being a therapy cat. Casey and Rosey would be fine, but I am not sure they would enjoy it. I think having Eric and probably Meisha when she is old enough, will be perfect! All along I was wondering about the logistics of 4 cats visiting at once! No wonder the agencies make the animals be 1 year old to begin though, Casey and Rosey have really come into Catdom in the past 5 months or so!
Kitten Weights for the boys only...Meisha will be featured on her 1 year anniversary :-)
Rosey: Day 1 - 5.64 oz 1 year 9.4 POUNDS
Casey: Day 1 - 5.15 oz 1 year 10 POUNDS
Eric: Day 1 - 9.17 oz 1 year 12.8 POUNDS
You see the boys have grown in to BIG kitties! Being part Ragdoll, they will likely continue to grow for a long time to come!!