Rosey and Casey and Eric.....

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Day 53

I have to tell you, there can't be a sadder sight than a kitten in quarantine!! It is so pitiful to see this little kitten sitting by the door to her box, just watching everything! I took her out and while I was holding her, I decided we could make a sling for her to ride in. I figured if it didn't work, it was still worth trying. We made the sling, and she rode around with Lee for a few minutes. While it isn't perfect, she can get out, it does make it easier to hold her and still do things.

Today Meisha tried hard food sprinkled on her moist food. She ate it like it was her favorite! Sh actually ate an equal amount of dry and moist at each meal. In a few days we will increase the dry food, until she is eating only dry food. I hope to have her eating dry food when she moves in with the boys!

Speaking of the boys, today they finished their wormer medicine like champs! Gosh, I can't get over how solid they feel, even Casey. I think back to when they first arrived, and how teeny tiny and fragile they felt. They are big beasts now!

Sandy has pretty much decided the boys are on their own, now that she has a new baby to focus on. Poor Sandy, Meisha is still not too thrilled with the idea of a dog in the house. Meisha was sitting on my lap tonight when Lee walked in with Sandy and Diego, and Meisha about had 2 cows!! She hissed and spit several times before she was able to calm down. Give it a few more days, and Meisha might be really okay with Sandy!

Okay, so Zelda is not a kitten, but I just have to tell you about this strange 2 year old cat we have!! Tonight she decided to pee in the toilet, this is the third time she has done it! We have never tried to teach her this, it is only on her own. I think she might think it a "bad" spot to go, so she pees there every so often! HA! Little does she know that one of thesedays I am going to start training her for this!!

I just went to upload pictures, when I realized we didn't take any!! All the 4 legged kids are in bed now, so I will make sure to get EXTRA cute pictures tomorrow!

Kitten Weights:
Rosey - 2 pounds plus
Casey - 2 pounds plus
Eric - 2.5 pounds plus
Meisha - 449 grams or 15.85 ounces


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