Day 54

It is certainly easier to find time for this when the kittens are doing so many things!!
First of all, Sandy is all kinds of excited and happy now, her baby has accepted the fact that Sandy will not be eating her! The 2 of them were playing this morning, and the kitten seemed to really like the feel of cuddling with Sandy. I think Sandy got tired of being patient, and she decided she was going to stick it out with little kitty claws flying and little kitten hisses. After a few seconds of this Meisha relaxed, and has been fine with Sandy since!
Today I also decided to let Meisha join her new brothers for a few mintues of playtime. That Casey is a big bully!! The first time Meisha was in there, Casey cornered her, then pushed her around, and finally hissed and batted at her. I removed her promptly and she was just fine, not even scared. Later we put her in for another playtime, and this time went MUCH better. I figure 10 minutes with the boys 3 times a day for a few days until they all decide to get along. Oh, and Meisha has some growing to do before the cage is fun! She is not quite big enough to climb up and down the levels! She was ready for this, as she has not had any sneezing or runny eyes for the last 2 days! Oh yeah, and Meisha needs to be eating only solid food before she can really move in with the boys! It will probably all come together in the next week or so!
Pictures: Look hard in the picture in the corner by the food bowl, and you'll see Meisha eating with Casey. That's Eric climbing the open lid. That's a popcorn box with Meisha inside.
Kitten Weights:
Rosey - 2 pounds plus
Casey - 2 pounds plus
Eric - 2½ poinds plus
Meisha - 487 grams or 17.2 ounces
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